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Why Ocean Whitefish is the Most Underrated Fish in the Sea

Known to scientists by its binomial name, Caulolatilus princeps, the ocean whitefish is a species of titlefish that calls the Pacific Ocean its home. Ocean whitefish swim primarily along the coast of California, though in rare instances, they have been spotted north and south of their usual zone.

Not a lot of people know about ocean whitefish, not to mention, most of them have no idea how to distinguish one from a salmon. Ocean whitefish deserve more praise than they receive because of their graceful and calm presence in the Pacific Ocean. Since ocean whitefish are not dominant predators in the ocean, they do not raise problems with other fish, minding their business as they go about their days.

Where Are Ocean Whitefish Located?

With a few exceptions, ocean whitefish are unique to California. At times, they will swim a bit too far upstream than they are used to and they will end up inhabiting the waters near British Columbia. Ocean whitefish have also been spotted around the coasts of Peru and Ecuador, specifically near the Galapagos Islands. The cold temperature and salt levels in the Pacific Ocean make for the perfect central location for ocean whitefish.

Prime Time of Year for Ocean Whitefish

The peak season for ocean whitefish begins at the tailend of winter and continues into the following spring. The reason for this is that the water becomes cooler as the weather gets colder. Since ocean whitefish are cold-blooded, their internal temperature is not regulated by their body, but rather by their surroundings. They swim closer to the shore and the inland areas to keep warm.

Sports Fishing and Ocean Whitefish

Ocean whitefish are highly sought after and coveted by people who partake in sports fishing. The definition of sports fishing is very similar to its name, in that people fish as a sport, competing with fellow fishermen and comparing the sizes of the fish they caught. Not all sports fishing occasions are competitive, though. Some people enjoy fishing recreationally, for leisure. Sports fishing is an activity that many people enjoy, especially in the summertime.

Ocean whitefish respond best when fishermen use a standard fishing pole with bait attached to the hook. When an ocean whitefish latches onto the bait, the fish will pose a challenge for the fisherman. Ocean whitefish are known for their tendency to tug and pull against the fishing line, so anyone who catches an ocean whitefish has to put in a decent amount of effort in order to keep the fish from escaping. People engaging in an afternoon of sports fishing are always up for the thrill of catching ocean whitefish.

How to See an Ocean Whitefish in Real Life

Whether you are embarking on a sports fishing trip or you just want to sail the ocean blue while gazing at aquatic life, renting a private charter is an excellent idea. Privately-owned charter fishing boats vary in length, as well as capacity in terms of how many passengers each boat can hold. It’s vital that you check the dimensions of the charter you want to rent. Ensuring that the sport fishing boat can accommodate everyone in your party is essential as well.

Morro Bay, California, is a prime location for spotting ocean whitefish. Located in San Luis Obispo County, the water of Morro Bay is exquisite. It is translucent enough so that you can clearly observe fish swimming near the surface of the water, while also leaving something to the imagination. You might even spot a whale or two!